Due to the patchwork nature of annexation in the Cove, multiple entities have jurisdiction over land and infrastructure.
Here is a list of known infrastructure projects and studies affecting the Cove area and commuter routes in 2018 & 2019:

Click on map for larger image. (Red = closure, Yellow = Maintenance, Green = New… Solid line = programmed, Dashed line = possible)
Cecil Ashburn Dr / Sutton Rd – Widening and intersection operational improvements at Old Big Cove and Sutton / Cecil Ashburn. Proposed January ’19, Complete closure for 10-14 months. City of Huntsville lead.
Governors Dr (US-431) – Road resurfacing between Basset and Old Big Cove, approx 5 miles. Timeframe: April/May ’19. About 2 months of partial night-time (10pm-6am) closure of portions of single lanes. ALDOT lead.
Old 431 – Replacement of 4 single lane bridges between Eastern Bypass and US-431. Complete closure between Eastern Bypass and Cherry Tree. Let in Spring 2019, 2 year project. Madison County Lead
Hobbs Island Road – Safety improvements (shoulders, rumble strips, guardrails), let in Nov ’18, 8-12 month duration (as part of a package of 4 similar projects, including Ryland Pike, Moore’s Mill and Wall Triana). Madison County Lead
Nearby: South Parkway (US-231) – Access management and intersection improvements between Hobbes Island Road and Weatherly Road, currently scheduled for FY2019, ALDOT / City of Huntsville
Nearby: Haysland Road Extension – New Road Construction, extending Haysland Road to Hobbs Road. Includes multi-use paths. Under construction, expected completion Summer 2020. City of Huntsville
Nearby: Jordan Rd Extension to US-72 – New road connection to improve safety and capacity. Ryland Pike at US-72 to become Right/Left-in, Right out only. Currently underway. Madison County Lead
Nearby: Ryland Pike – shoulder widening and utility relocation between US-72 and Everett Road, scheduled for FY2109, Madison County Lead
Relevant Studies
Huntsville Transit Study – Needs assessment and 5-year plan. To be completed Dec ’18, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) lead
Regional and Federal Commuter Patterns – develop an accurate representation of commuting flows into and within the MPO Study Area, including the 20+% of commuters who are Federal employees and for whom sub-County level data is missing. Study Proposal drafted, completed in 2019, MPO lead
2045 Long Range Transportation Plan – Road map of multimodal regional transportation projects for the next 25 years, completed in 2019 , MPO lead
Big Picture – Cove, Comprehensive land use planning and visioning. Started upon completion of NE Huntsville area plan, within the next few months. COH lead
Nearby: South Huntsville Main Street – designated community for Main Street program to “develop a sense of place” and connect business assets and recreational opportunities to residential areas within the district. Began June 2018, multi-year program. South Huntsville Business Association (SHBA) lead
Nearby: Safety Study on HWY 72 between Shields and Brock Rd – to be completed Fall 2018. ALDOT lead
Little Cove Rd / Eastern Bypass Extension – Consider constructing new alignment similar to that shown in the LRTP to connect to US-72, rather than using Rock Cut Road or existing terminus at the Section Line St intersection in Gurley. For safety and capacity reasons, a permanent traffic signal controlling all approaches is desired here. Little Cove Rd between McMullen Cove and US-72 should also be evaluated regarding its ability to handle additional traffic, given its current geometry, drainage, lighting, suboptimal bridges, etc… The Town of Gurley has also indicated that it would like to close Rock Cut Road in the near future to accommodate planned economic development activities. Coordination between ALDOT/Gurley/County/Huntsville.
Green Mountain Road – Study whether traffic volume on this corridor is projected to increase, and what measures should be taken to accommodate or discourage it. COH/County.
City of Huntsville Roadwork Updates
MPO Region 3-year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)
North Alabama 5-year State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)
Various contacts throughout local and state government entities

GrowCove / City of Huntsville Meeting Recap | GrowCove · September 25, 2018 at 1:10 pm
[…] particular, the sheer number of multi-jurisdictional infrastructure projects and plans proposed in and around the Cove area (including alternative routes to Cecil Ashburn) over the next […]
Gurley Getting Regional Sports Complex | GrowCove · October 28, 2018 at 8:34 pm
[…] Road. The City of Huntsville has planned this closure concurrently to Gurley’s activities and other major Cove-Area infrastructure work, announcing project bidding to open in Mid-November in anticipation of a January 2019 start […]
Smooth pavement, coming up | GrowCove · February 8, 2019 at 6:23 pm
[…] Further information on currently scheduled infrastructure projects and plans with larger scopes (bridge replacement, safety improvements, MPO Long Range Transportation Plan, etc) can be found here: https://growcove.org/2018/09/big-coves-big-needs-on-transportation-and-access/ […]
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