Please share your talents and serve on a committee for the betterment of the Cove!

  • Transportation and Land Use – Review and participate in creation of transportation and land use plans and projects that affect the Cove area. Attend public meetings of the MPO, City Council, and other organizations involved in local planning efforts.  Discuss issues and form recommendations in collaboration with Grow Cove members.
  • Economic Development – Spur the growth of new businesses in the Cove and assist pre-existing businesses in the optimization of their practices, ensuring a long-term, vibrant economic environment
  • Aesthetics, Urban Design, and Zoning – Encourage the development of the Cove area with a singular, thematic design to enhance the feel of our unique community. Consider conservation opportunities and maintaining of rural/agricultural uses.
  • Energy and Environment – encourage energy efficiency, food security, and local/geographic sufficiency within the Cove
  • Recreation – Expand and enhance recreational opportunities and programming for residents and visitors of all ages, throughout the Cove
  • Education – Actively support local schools, attend school board meetings, and report education issues to GrowCove members
  • Communications – Maintain the GrowCove website, engage in social media, create newsletters and other materials to keep residents in the loop
  • Events – Plan and organize events that will bring not only Cove residents but also those located over the mountain together for the fostering of economic and cultural vitality
  • Membership – Grow and maintain members and friends of the organization

    Note: Other Standing and Ad Hoc committees may be formed as needed. All committee names and descriptions subject to change.